Tarpon Action In Georgetown
I was pulling the boat out of the water in McLellanville after a discouraging two day search for Tarpon when a bottlenose dolphin poked his head out of the water hoping to receive some leftover bait.
I was pulling the boat out of the water in McLellanville after a discouraging two day search for Tarpon when a bottlenose dolphin poked his head out of the water hoping to receive some leftover bait.
The most frustrating feeling while fishing comes when I am doing everything right but still not catching fish, while someone nearby is effortlessly catching fish using the exact same bait.
Jigger pole fishing is an old classic way to catch fish along riverbanks and ponds where the good spots are hard to reach by casting.
Unlike other members of the bass family, stripers love cold water and that is exactly why the Saluda River is such a popular place.
I spent one summer working at the Herald Office Distribution Center and did a lot of different jobs from week to week. I spent a few weeks as a delivery driver and started riding with Dwayne Martin, who showed me how to handle deliveries. It did not take long for me to find out that he was a fisherman and lucky for me, he was happy to share a few secrets.
The Art Loeb Trail stretches 30 miles across the Pisgah National Forest and into the Shining Rock Wilderness area. Much of the trail follows a bold ridge including many of the highest peaks in the area, regularly reaching altitudes of over 6,000 feet.
The Midland Striper Club hosts a tournament on Lake Murray taking place on the 3rd Saturday of each month. The overall winner is named “Team of the Year.”
Dillon’s Boy Scout Troop 761 planned a hike one weekend in March ’09. The plan was to hike the Grayson Highlands National Forest along the Appalachian Trail.
We have all experienced days that become lifetime memories, and waking up in a tent knowing that the day’s journey will be one to remember is an exciting feeling.
The Striper become one of my favorite fish species to target. The aggressive strike will knock the paint off of a lure, and the deceiving fight is always greater than the fish’s actual size.