NETC Board Chairman Explains How NETC Leverages One Mill

Dan Bozard, Chairman of the NETC Board, explained to the Dillon County Board of Education on Tuesday how NETC leveraged Dillon County Board of Education’s annual one mill ($73,113.01) for NETC to pay for 282 duplicated (took both Fall and Spring classes) Dillon County High School students (172 individuals) taking “dual credit” courses.

NETC To Deliver Unmanned Safety Institute’s CTE Curriculum

Unmanned Safety Institute (USI), the world-leader in remote pilot training and certification, announced that Northeastern Technical College in Cheraw, South Carolina and Hampton Public Schools in Virginia will be delivering USI’s CTE curriculum, the Small UAS Safety Certification™, to their students for the 2019-2020 school year.

NETC Reps Attend Washington, DC Summit

Representatives from Northeastern Technical College’s administration and Area Board of Commissioners recently attended the Community College National Legislative Summit in Washington, DC to advocate for policies and funding that will move the college forward in the future.

NETC Ministerial Alliance Meets

Members of the Northeastern Technical College Ministerial Alliance met recently to discuss how the college and area churches can “partner for a better community,” and improve the lives of our citizens through education.