Opinion: Is It Fair?

There used to be a song that said, “I beg your pardon I never promised you a rose garden.” A rose garden though is what many of the American people thought they were getting with the Affordable Healthcare Act, also known as Obamacare.

The Lonely Monument

In a family plot, at an old church near Little Rock, South Carolina, there is a monument to a soldier who gave his life exactly seventy years ago this fall.  As the years go by, it is possible that less people recall the “who” or the “why”.

Op-Ed: Newspapers Are A Doorway To The Community

In communities and towns and small cities all across South Carolina, in the sometimes out of the way places that increasingly divergent populations call home – in the place where you grew up, or where your grandparents, perhaps, once tilled the soil on the family farm – the single common denominator binding these individual places together is the local community newspaper.

Op-Ed: Stand Up For Your Rights

It’s Sunshine Week, a week to promote open government. Since you are reading an editorial column in this newspaper, you likely care about what is going on in your community and with your government. This is a good thing and unfortunately not common enough.