THE CEREMONIAL passing of the gavel from Harry Moore to new commander John Harlow. (Contributed by Jim Chavis)
AT THE VFW REGULAR MEETING, new officers were installed. They were sworn in by Quartermaster Jim Chavis (far right). John Harlow (center) takes the helm as Post Commander. Harry Moore (Second from left), our commander of many years, is now Senior Vice-Commander, taking a well-deserved break from his position as commander. Pam Moore (left) was elected as a third-year trustee. Lloyd Brown (second from right) resigned as Senior Vice-Commander and was appointed the position of surgeon. (Contributed by Jim Chavis)
ADJUTANT JAMIE HAMILTON presents outgoing Commander Harry Moore a Vietnam Veterans Memorial Belt Buckle to honor him and to show the group’s appreciation for a job well done as commander. (Contributed by Jim Chavis)