On Saturday, April 23, 2022, the Latta Revitalization Commission hosted the inaugural “Blooms & Brushes” Spring event. Held in the open-air space on Main Street between Anderson Brothers Bank and Latta Drug, the event comprised of a floral and artistic theme. Latta Schools were instrumental in the selling of arts and crafts from Latta Middle School, and a variety of plants and vegetables were sold thanks to the Latta High School Future Farmers of America (FFA) students. Other vendors included clothing boutique Surcies, Janie’s Cakes and Fresh Eggs, Lil’ Doug’s Polar Express, and Splash of Color Art. Kids ranging from middle to high school ages participated in a sidewalk chalk art competition judged by members of LRC, Town Council, and the Latta community. A good time was had by all! (Photos by Paula Williamson)

Photos by Paula Williamson
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