On Sunday, April 18, Pyerian Baptist Church and Tabernaculo Evangelico Iglesia Bautista enjoyed special guest Chaplain (Captain) Ishmael Mwelima as he shared his testimony and Gospel message with them. Chaplain Mwelima, known locally as Ish was the intern at the Pee Dee Baptist Association the summer of 2003. He is now stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Ishmael was a fifteen year old boy playing soccer in Mwanza, Tanzania when he was befriended by Methodist medical missionaries Dixon and Dorothy Borden of Black Mountain, NC.
After many conversations, he decided to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior. When he went home to tell his Muslim parents they gave him a choice to accept their faith or be expelled from the family. Since Ishmael’s father was the local high school principal this also meant being cast out of school.
He chose Christ and was driven out of his home, and forced to live in a mango tree for three years. The Dixons made it possible for Ishmael to come to the United states and enter into Fruitland Bible College in Hendersonville, NC while learning English sitting in a local third grade class.
Having completed studies there he enrolled at North Greenville University where he dormed with Jacob Orr, the son of then Director of Missions James Orr. It was here that James and Ish met and where he was offered the internship. He lived with the Orr Family and worked with local churches in the area.
Endowed with a great sense of humor, he often introduced himself as President George Bush. Dr. Orr and Chaplain Mwelima have remained close ever since, referring to each other as Dad and Son respectively.
After finishing at North Greenville, Dad introduced Ish to Dr. Kenneth Hemphill, president at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas and Ishmael was offered a full scholarship to attend. He completed his Masters at Southwestern and is completing his Doctor of Ministry at Wesley Seminary. Before working on his further education, he joined the U S Army Chaplain program through the North American Mission Board.
Chaplain Mwelima (the M is silent) completed basic training and then Chaplain’s school at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. He has been in the Army for seven years now and has served in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and Sort Sam Houston, Texas. He was able to be in Dillon because he is in the XVIII Airborne Corp training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina for deployment to Poland and Iraq. Chaplain Mwelima has completed over 370 parachute jumps.
He enjoys the military and recommends it for young people including Christians. “You need to serve your country, our faith doesn’t hold us back. There are opportunities in every branch of service, including the National Guard. It is a way to show love and give back to the community and nation. There are great opportunities for training and furthering your education.”
When he returns from deployment he and Dr. Orr hope to make a trip back to Tanzania to share the good news of Jesus Christ. When he retires in the future he has expressed a desire to return to South Carolina and do ministry here.