Fourth Circuit Assistant Solicitor Shipp Daniel was awarded the John R. Justice Scholarship recently at the annual solicitor’s conference.

The monetary award, given to five state prosecutors each year, recognizes excellence in criminal prosecution. All prosecutors are eligible for the award, and recipients are chosen by a committee.
In announcing this year’s recipients, Eighth Circuit Solicitor David Stumbo said this award is particularly special because it is voted on by peers.
“Shipp is responsible for both the adult and juvenile criminal dockets in Dillon County, in addition to administrative responsibilities in Chesterfield County,” said Stumbo. “He has earned a reputation for fairness and honesty among defendants, victims and the defense bar. Furthermore, the judiciary respects him for his hard work, candidness and expertise.”
Fourth Circuit Solicitor Will Rogers nominated Daniel for the award, which is named in honor of the late John R. Justice. Justice, who was a national and state leader in prosecution, served as solicitor of the Sixth Judicial Circuit from 1978 to 2006.

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