By Betsy Finklea
On a cold, gloomy Sunday, the first service at the new Union Baptist Church campus, located at 7231 Old Ebenezer Road, in Latta, was held on Sunday, October 20th, but the spirit and mood was warm, bright, and uplifting as the new church and this wonderful celebration was truly a work of God.
The service was filled with music, prayer, and an inspired message.
The celebration began with pre-service music performed by Ernie Barrentine, music pastor.
The call to worship was the singing of “Victory In Jesus” by the congregation.
All birthdays and anniversaries were recognized with the singing of “Happy Birthday.”
The welcome to approximately 250 in attendance was given by Dennis Ard. The deacons and the building committee were recognized. Pastor Dean Parker gave a special recognition service to Mrs. Marie Collins, their financial person. Prayer was then led by Rev. Parker.
The Union Baptist Church band performed Greatness Of Our God, Raise A Hallelujah, and Waymaker. This was followed by prayer and then the receiving of of the tithes and offerings by ushers Don Luehrs, Floyd Johnson, Jr., Nathan Barrentine, and Quintin Wilkes. The offertory hymn, There’s Something About That Name, was sung.
The UBC Band then performed We Will Ride.
Stephanie Ard, youth pastor, gave testimony on what God had done in her life and what he can do in the lives of others.
An altar call was held to the singing of Come To The Altar by the UBC band.
Rev. Parker preached on the message of “We’re Not Home Yet” from Luke 4:16-30. He said the journey getting to the new church began three years ago. He said he had no idea of what the Lord was going to do or how he was going to do it. Rev. Parker said he didn’t think the devil was going to come in the flesh and spit in his face, but he did. He said he questioned whether his work here was done and if it was time for him to go.
Rev. Parker said as he thought on the message this week, he thought about God’s message in Luke Chapter 4.
“We’re not home yet,” Rev. Parker said. “We’re not finished.” He said they were brought here for a purpose.
Rev. Parker laid out three thoughts for the congregation:
1) All true Christians will not always be popular.
2) All true Christians have a prophetic task that God has assigned them.
3) All true Christians face their greatest hindrance of always trying to make everybody happy.
“God has plans for us,” he said. He ended his message with prayer.
The invitation was given to the singing of Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. Several went to the altar for prayer.
A musical benediction was given by Ernie Barrentine.
Services at Union Baptist are at 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Sundays and 6:00 p.m. on Wednesdays.
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