By Craig Brown
The best of teams have off days.
Sadly for the Latta High School Vikings that off day came on the final game of the season Friday night in Lexington against the 96 High School Wildcats.
The Vikings had the talent at bat and in the field with some outstanding pitchers and were very well-coached, but just could not get things going their way.
As for the Wildcats they could do no wrong in this game. The two best teams in Class AA softball were on the field Friday night.
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Carlee Stockman took the mound for 96 and may have pitched the best game of her career.
As a result of the draw 96 would be the home team and take the field first. The Wildcats took the Vikings three up and out in the top of the first inning.
Arica Gandy started on the mound for the Vikings. Tweety Robinson led off for 96 with a bunt down the third base line.
Latta third baseman Jaylan Jackson fielded the bunt and maid the throw out at first base.
Kylie Campbell made it to first on an error from a hurried throw to the base.
Jackson caught a pop fly at third for out number two. 96 cleanup batter Tori Barr sent a line drive over the center field fence for a two run homer.
Gandy struck out the fifth batter to send Latta back to the plate with 96 up 2-0. Latta started with an infield throw out at first followed by a pop up to first base for out number two.
Arica Gandy made it to base on a hard hit single to center field.
Lauren Webster made it to base on a walk. Stockman struck out the next batter to retire Latta leaving runners at first and second for the Vikings.
Stockman led off for 96 in the bottom of the second with a double to center field. Anjellet Corner brought Stockman home with a double over first base into right field.
Madison Collins laid down a sacrifice bunt forcing the out at first advancing Corner to third base. Gandy struck out Gracie Timmerman for the second out.
Tweety Robinson sent a pop fly to second to retire 96 now holding a 3-0 lead after two innings of play.
Stockman faced four batters in the top of the third with Jena Stutler making it to base on an error by the third baseman. Kylie Campbell led off for 96 in the bottom of the third with a base hit to center followed by Gracie Lollis adding a base hit to center.
Tori Barr sent Campbell home getting to base on an error.
Latta fielders got 96 batter Meredith Hendrix out at first and caught runner Barr in a force out between third and home plate.
With two out Stockman made it to base on a walk. Anjellet Corner loaded the bases with a hit over the head of the first baseman. Madison Collins sent Hendrix home with a solid hit to centerfield but Barr was called out trying to make it home.
After three innings of play 96 had a 5-0 lead. The Viking batters could not get the ball past the 96 infielders in the top of the fourth and went three up and out.
Jayla Jackson took the mound for the Vikings in the bottom of the fourth inning. Jackson took the 96 batters three up and out.
With four innings of play the Wildcats were holding a 5-0 lead. Lauren Webster led off for the Vikings in the top of the fifth with a walk to first.
Stockman and the 96 fielders put the next three batters out to get back to the plate. Tori Barr led off for 96 in the bottom of the fifth with a bounce over the fence double at centerfield. Meredith Hendrix advanced Barr to third getting to base on an error.
Carlee Stockman got Barr home on a fielder’s choice. Anjellet Corner hit a hard grounder that was fielded by Jena Stutler at shortstop that got Stockman out at second base. Jackson struck out Madison Collins to get the Vikings back to bat but the Wildcats now had a 6-0 lead. Jena Stutler led off with a double to center.
The rally was short lived with the next batter hitting into a double play. An infield throw out at first ended the Viking hopes in the sixth inning.
Gracie Timmerman led off for 96 in the bottom of the sixth getting to base on an error.
Jackson and the Viking fielders retired the top of the 96 batting order leaving Timmerman stranded on first. Latta trailed 6-0 with their season on the line as they went back to bat in the seventh inning. Rayne Nolan led off with a base hit to center field followed by Arica Gandy getting a hit to right field. Lauren sent a deep fly ball to center field where Anjellet Corner made a great catch that prevented the Viking base runners from advancing home. Stockman settled down and struck out the next two batters to give the Wildcats their first ever state championship. On the mound for the Vikings, Arica Gandy posted two strikeouts, one batter to base on a walk, allowed seven hits with five runs scored for the loss. Jaylan Jackson posted two strikeouts, allowed two hits and one run scored in relief. Gandy and Jackson pitched three innings each.
On the mound for 96, Carlee Stockman posted five strikeouts, two runners to base on walks, allowed four hits with no runs scored for the win.
At bat for the Vikings, Arica Gandy was 2 for 3, Jena Stutler was 1 for 2 with a double also getting to base on an error, Rayne Nolan was 1 for 3, Lauren Webster made it to base on two walks.
At bat for the Wildcats, Tori Barr was 2 for 3 with a double and a homerun also getting to base on an error with three RBI, Anjellet Corner was 2 for 2 with a double and a fielder’s choice with a base on a walk and a RBI, Madison Collins was 2 for 3 with a RBI, Kylie Campbell was 1 for 3 also getting to base on an error, Tweety Robinson was 1 for 4, Gracie Lollis was 1 for 4 and Gracie Timmerman got to base on an error. Latta Head Coach Stephanie Ard stated that 96 should be congratulated on a great season and they played with good sportsmanship during the three game championship playoffs.
Coach Ard was extremely proud of her players and coaches.
Coach Ard stated that at the beginning of the season we were not given a chance to win the region.
These young girls battled hard and overcame so much to make it to the final game of the state championship.
It should be noted that Coach Ard has come a long way herself in the coaching ranks.
She learned because she was never too proud to ask for help or advise as she was learning the ropes. She should be with the Vikings a long time. After the awards Betty Jo Johnson of the school board lined up the team and coaches for the team photo with their hard earned runner-up trophy.
We congratulate the Lady Vikings and their coaches on a great season.