LATTA – Springtime is upon us and many homeowners and farmers are beginning to plant or transplant their spring and summer crops.
Latta Agricultural Education students have been hard at work since the beginning of the semester sowing and transplanting their plant projects. Students can find success in a nontraditional setting that can pay dividends in the long run.
The school greenhouse is an extension of the classroom that affords students hands-on learning opportunities that cannot be had inside the traditional classroom setting. Sure, there are vocabulary words to learn, quizzes to take, assignments to complete, but there is no replacement for getting your hands dirty and developing a green thumb. In agriculture classes students learn about hard work, responsibility, financial management strategies and how lucrative the greenhouse industry can be in South Carolina. The greenhouse and nursery industry consistently ranks in the top five of South Carolina’s top ten agriculture commodities annually. What does this mean for students? This means it is crucial that they gain skills that can lead to a skilled trade career that is significant to our state.
Students also gain an appreciation for something that may not come to them naturally. Students find success in growing a crop that they touched, watered, fertilized and nurtured refreshing and rewarding. Not all students will pursue a career in the plant sciences but an appreciation for nature, plants, and healthy lifestyles can take root and bloom into a future hobby or way of sustainable living for the rest of their lives.
Student projects are on sale from 8:30-4:30 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and 8:30-3:30 on Wednesday and Friday beginning April 22nd. Latta FFA appreciates your support of agricultural education. Happy Gardening!
“The National FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.”