The National Theatre for Children presented Kilowatts Kitchen at East Elementary School recently. The purpose of the program is to teach about energy and resource conservation. Duke Energy Progress will provide a kit to equip the students with what they need to get started. The kit contains several tools to help save resources and energy at home, while saving money on the energy bill. Pictured are: seated l to r: Haiden Eller, Kylie Beasley, Anthony Dean and Ryleigh Caddell. Standing l to r: Ah’mier Douglas, Chayse Walters, Niliea Boone, John Coley Bohachic, Ariana Carmichael and Antywan Dunson. Back l to r are NTC actors: Nicole (aka Lorriane Quiche) and Jarrett (aka Adam Grizzly). (Contributed Photo)

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