Shooters from Dillon County 4-H placed in the 4-H/SCTP skeet shoot held at the Palmetto Shooting Complex in Edgefield, South Carolina on November 11, 2017.

The Palmetto Shooting Complex is the premier shooting facility in South Carolina. It is a collaborative effort between the National Wild Turkey Federation and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. It is one of the few shooting facilities that have the ability to host a shoot the size that the 4-H and SCTP shooting programs in South Carolina have grown too. There were over 130 competitors at the event. Usually the events throw 100 targets per shooter; but because of the number of contestants, the targets were reduced to 75 to allow everyone time to shoot.

Dillon County 4-H sent 7 team members. Dakota Roberts, from Aynor, was the only team member shooting in the Sr. Division. Dakota broke 53 for a 70.6% average. A squad is made up of 3 team members but you can compete even if you do not have a complete squad. Dakota shot as an individual.
Cole Gasque, Gately Bethea, and Jacob Edwards came in third place in the Jr. Division. Cole was the high shooter for the entire team breaking 60 targets for an 80% average. Gately broke 57 targets for a 76% average and Jacob broke 51 for a 68% average. Jacob, an intermediate class shooter, was moved up to fill the squad for the Jr. Division class.
In the intermediate advanced division, Dillon County had a mixed squad of males and females consisting of Brenna Miller, David Camp and Parker McCormick. Brenna led the squad by breaking 53 targets for a 70.6% average. She also came in 3rd place in the Ladies High Over All intermediate group. David broke 43 for a 57% average and Parker broke 41 for a 54.6% average. This was Parker’s first competition. The Dillon County 4-H is still accepting team members as there are over 10 more competitions set for the 2017-2018 shooting season.
Rich McFee, another Dillon County resident also competed in the event shooting with Mid-Carolina Gun Club. Rich came in 2nd place HOA with a score of 65 in the Intermediate advanced division and his squad came in 3rd place.
Dillon County 4-H would like to recognize the Friends of NRA for providing a grant which was used to buy ammo and targets for practice purposes. A special thank you goes out to the Pee Dee Branch of the Quality Deer Management Association for a donation received from them. Jeff Lee Sr., President, and Tre Coleman, Vice President, organized the event from which some proceeds are used for local youth projects. Several donations from the Pee Dee QDMA have been made to the SCDNR for projects in our local area.
The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer.

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