McLeod Medical Center Dillon is pleased to announce five new members and officers for the hospital’s Community Advisory Board.
Rodney Berry (Marion), Dillon County Administrator, Dr. John Carmichael (Latta), Pharmacist and Owner of Dillon Community Pharmacy, Marianne Lewis Leggett (Fairmont, NC), Lewis and Brady Builders Supply, Dr. Daniel Walters (Lumberton, NC), Walters Family Dentistry, and Marie Wolfe (Dillon, SC), Director of Dillon Christian Preschool and Childcare have all joined the board.
Don Stout, Retired Vice-President of Dillon Yarn, has agreed to serve a second term as Chair. Janette Dupree, Municipal Court Judge for Latta, SC, will serve as Vice Chair.  The following members have been reappointed to serve a second term: Janette Dupree, Linda Dutton, Ja-Novice B. Greene-Richardson, Ellen Jordan, Billy Massengale, Janet Sherman and Famon Whitfield III.  In addition, the Community Advisory Board also includes Donna Edwards, Larry Floyd, Moses Heyward, Tonny McNeil, James Calvin McRae, Mike Reaves and Pat Townsend.
Lynn Bowman, Jim Brown, Anita Mace, Patti McInnis, Felix McLellan and Mandy Mussman have completed their service on the board.  The advisory board includes community leaders from the McLeod Dillon service area. In addition to the advisory board members, Dr. Benjamin Mitchell, McLeod Dillon Chief of Staff, Jan Austin, McLeod Dillon Auxiliary President, John Braddy, McLeod Health Board of Trustees and Joan Ervin, McLeod Dillon Administrator, serve as ex-officio members. The Community Advisory Board members review strategic issues and challenges facing the hospital, the health care industry and the surrounding communities. Members offer advice and recommendations to the McLeod Dillon Administration.

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