To: The Editor of
The Dillon Herald
and Dillon County
Sheriff’s Office
(Sheriff Major Hulon)
I am writing the following parties to inform and thank a fellow citizen of Dillon County for his hard work and service. The citizen, Roderick “Birdman” Miller has showed dedication for our community by preserving history and helping to beautify Dillon County. For several years while traveling to Dillon and Latta from Lake View; I have seen Mr. Miller alongside people from the Dillon County Detention Center picking up litter. This is most notable on my daily journey through the community of New Town where I see him at least once a week picking up litter (especially after the weekend gatherings).
He has not stopped there in his service for his beautiful county. Mr. Miller has come by our offices many times on behalf of organizations trying to raise money for people less fortunate. I know of several cases where he gave anonymously to families that were going through a difficult time. When a young man’s mother passed from this earth, he helped a funeral establishment and the family to have the son present for the memorial service. He is always ready to assist any person in need no matter what day or hour.
In the past year he has assisted my workplace in several ways including finding a stolen vehicle involved in a crime. Mr. Miller found the vehicle, identified it before cops arrived, and gave us a call. At the time of the call we did not know the vehicle was missing. He has also assisted us with crimes on the property and gave us guidance during a difficult time.
The most notable thing that made Mr. Miller and me friends over the years is his dedication on the final resting place of the dead. He and a fellow sheriff deputy have spent time mapping, documenting, and protecting cemeteries in Dillon County. His efforts have saved and protected many of our love ones final resting places. Mr. Miller has located several markers over the years that people have discarded after destroying cemeteries. I know if I have a problem with a cemetery I can call Mr. Miller.
I believe as a faithful citizen living in the Lake View area and serving both families in Dillon and Latta; it’s time for this devoted, caring, and hardworking citizen to be recognized for his service. This is the type of man who makes the Golden Land (Dillon County) a great place for people to live. I desire that both parties recognize this citizen for his years of dedication to our community. Please find it in your hearts to support the good of Dillon County. Thanks for all that both parties do for the county.
Christopher H. Daniels
1927 Nichols Hwy.
Nichols, SC 29581
Thanks Citizen For Hard Work And Service
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