The October 6th meeting for The Dillon Historical School Foundation (DHSF) was held at the Dillon Chamber of Commerce Office and called to order by Chairman Gerald Berry at 7:00 p.m. Terry Morris, Vice Chairman, opened the meeting with an invocation.
Secretary Mary Skipper Miller provided the minutes of the previous meeting and John Wilson provided the Treasurer’s Report.
Unfinished business discussion included fund raising, grant writing and sources for funds. Betty Lou Barclay reported on her research into funding sources. Chairman Berry reported on a recent meeting with local school district staff.
New business included a review of a DHS letterhead and envelope design and working on a mailing list for the organization.
In addition the group discussed developing a video presentation with the history of the J.V. Martin Auditorium. The meeting closed with a discussion of potential changes to the by-laws and policies for elections and a discussion of nominations of a new slate of officers.
Chairman Berry reminded members of the change in meeting time to 6:00 p.m., after the change from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Dillon Chamber of Commerce Offices on Main Street in Dillon.
If you cannot attend, but would like to be kept informed of DHSF activities and plans, send an email to Chairman Berry at with “INFORM ME” in the Subject line and your full name as the message. Individuals without access to the internet may contact Chairman Berry and provide their name and mailing address.
Either by “snail mail” or email, DHSF notices and meeting agendas will be provided. Visitors and new members are welcome to attend.
Meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month.

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