Sardis Baptist Church had its Homecoming Service October 12 at 11:00 a.m. An opening Prelude was beautifully played by pianist Jean Snipes. The choir opened with Alleluia to the Lamb led by music director Robyn Berry. As the congregation was welcomed an opening hymn, We Have Come Into His House, was sung. Before the congregation heard a message prepared by Mr Benny Cooper, a duet The Anchor Holds was sung by Jennifer Lane and Stephanie Philpot.

Mr. Benny Cooper brought a message to the congregation explaining the blessings of God’s grace that is given to all.  After the message, members, visitors, and families gathered for fellowship and food in the Fellowship Hall.
It is such a blessing by all to see past and present faces and reunite in Christian fellowship. They appreciate all who made this possible. May God Bless you all.


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