I want to consider something in this article that involved all of us, whether we realize or acknowledge it or not. Even at this present moment while you are reading this material, there is a battle going on in your life that involves your total being of spirit, soul, and body. There are four basic battles that every one of us will at some point and time in our lives find ourselves engaged in. Although we may not have to fight all of these battles simultaneously, it is certain that we will find ourselves engaged in at least two or more of these common struggles continually. With that having been established, let us proceed to briefly consider each of these categories of contention and how they relate to each of us.
The Battle Against Aging
Arguably, one of the most common battles we all have or will be involved in one day is the battle against aging. This age, old battle has been waging since time memorial. In most of our lives, it starts sometime between the ages of thirty and fifty, and will continue almost indefinitely until we physically die. The battle against aging has been the catalyst that has caused many businesses, which profits billions of dollars each year, to come into existence. From creams that help to remove wrinkles, to the hair coloring that gets the gray out, to plastic surgery, to Rogaine and hair transplants, all of these products and procedures are a part of the multi-billion dollar war against aging. To be perfectly honest, I am a combatant in this onslaught of aging. It truly makes me feel good when I tell people my age and their response is, “You sure do not look your age!” However, I know that I am fighting a battle that I will ultimately lose, but until then, like so many of you, I will keep resisting this enemy by any means necessary.
The Battle To Be
Liked By Everyone
The next battle that is very common to some, if not all of us, is definitely a great desire that the vast majority of us share in common. That battle is the effort we put forth to be liked by everyone. Whether we are willing to admit it or not does not negate the probable, innate desire that each of us have to be liked by everyone. This desire is so strong that it will often override or circumvent our common senses and logic about matters of life when dealing with relatives and friends. We want so much for others to like us and to stay on our good side that we often compromise our principles and wound our consciences in this futile fight to always be liked by everyone. It is an impossible struggle that you are certain to lose at some point in your life. In every issue of life, you are bound to incite some displeasure and dislike in someone about a decision or course of action you will have to take. No one knows this any better than those who are in leadership roles, like parents, administrators, coaches, and those in the market place who are responsible for who is going to be promoted, demoted, hired, or fired. Howbeit, whether we choose the right or wrong person for the job or position will never exempt us from somebody’s dislike, nor will we ever truly be immune. The fact that we are mere human beings has definitely enlisted us in the losing battle to be liked by everyone.
The Battle To Be
The battle to be independent started when we were toddlers struggling to go from crawling to walking. Nearly all of our lives, to some degree, shape, form, or fashion, we have fought to be self-reliant and independent of others. This is what growing up, going to college or to the military, and getting a job is all about. It is a part of the evolution and course of life that each of us is expected to pursue as human beings. Although there are far too many who nowadays have either not been taught this in their upbringing or just outright, through personal negligence and laziness, reject their responsibility to both their species and culture. This rule is binding and inalterable. Nevertheless, in spite of this basic principle and battle to be independent, the day will come, if we are graced of God to live long enough, that we will lose this battle, regardless of how we may struggle to maintain this victory of our self-reliance and independence. I have observed many of the most important and cherished people in my life wage this war against dependence upon others; however, they ultimately had to succumb. Although no fault of their own, many have been weakened and rendered dependent upon others because of accidents, disabilities, sicknesses, and the incapacitation of aging. I have watched in sadness at some who refused to accept the reality of their condition of dependence that was an ever-increasing fact to everyone, but them. I have naturally wondered in observing them that if I am fortunate and blessed enough to live long enough how will I handle the inevitable loss of something that I have taken for granted nearly all of my life. Perhaps the saying is true after all that we will most likely experience being “twice a child and once a man.” For all of us, only time will tell.
The Battle to Live Forever
At the core of our being is an innate desire that I am convinced was put in each of us by our Creator. It is the greatest desire and battle that we will find ourselves engaged. The battle to live forever is being fought and expressed through many humanistic ways. There are those who have achieved immortality and perpetuity through religion, science, music, art, politics, social activism, business, and nearly every field of human endeavor and enterprise. Even the most common people share this most innate desire. Regardless of race, creed, color, or socio-economic status, everyone desires and fights with every fiber of their being to overcome the dreaded enemy called death. The theme song of the movie and television series Fame captured and conveyed the inward desire of every human being to “live forever”. It is a longing that only He can fulfill. Although many have tried to win the battle to live forever through many attempts and means, their efforts have nevertheless proven futile. True their achievements, contributions, discoveries, and legacies have greatly benefitted and enriched their families, their culture, and the living as a whole; however, none of that matters or is beneficial to them right now. Please bear with me as I take the liberty to express and advance my Judeo-Christian conviction in regards to this matter. Even if you do not believe like me, consider what I am saying. I believe that death has already been defeated and that I and all who believe have already been granted the free gift of eternal life. I have long since stopped battling to live forever. I have won that battle, but nevertheless not I, but Christ who lives in me. He has defeated death and given all who believe in Him eternal life. So if you are presently engaged in the battle to live forever, I will say in conclusion, desist from this futile fight and believe on the One who has already won this battle once and for all.