JUDICIAL CENTER GROUNDBREAKING—A groundbreaking was held at the 28,500 sq. ft. Dillon County Judicial Center on Wednesday. County Administrator Clay Young said this would house the Solicitor’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and Magistrate’s Office and that they were looking at adding a Coroner’s Office here. Pictured are Sheriff Major Hulon, Fourth Circuit Solicitor Will Rogers, Councilman T.F. “Buzzy” Finklea, Councilman Andrew Graves, Councilman Harold Moody, Councilman Randy Goings, Councilman Joe Johnson, Clerk of Court Gwen Hyatt, County Administrator Clay Young, Mike Tyler of FBi Construction, Judge James Lockemy, Council Chairman Archie Scott, and Barbara Kemp, architect. More on the groundbreakings will be in Tuesday’s issue. (Caption by Betsy Finklea, Photo by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald)

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