From the Unofficial Minutes
The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the District Administrative Conference Room. Notices of the meeting were duly exercised and published per school board policy
Trustees present were: Kyle Berry, Edward Bethea, Linda James, Betty Jo Johnson, and Kenneth Kitts. Janice Boatwright and Eddie Watson were absent
Chair Betty Jo Johnson called the meeting to order and Dr. Kirby opened the meeting with prayer. Chair Johnson welcomed all present.
There being no additions or corrections to the April 10, 2012 minutes, Chair Johnson ruled that they stand approved.
At the request of Dr. Kirby, action on the second reading of the Non-Resident School Attendance Policy JFAB was tabled.
A motion was made by Kenneth Kitts and seconded by Kyle Berry to approve the Tuition Income Policy DFG for second reading. Vote was unanimous. Donna Taylor presented a status report on the General Fund Budget.
A motion was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Kenneth Kitts to accept as first reading the 2012-2013 general operations budget as presented by Donna Taylor. Vote was unanimous.
Esther Rogers reported that the Accreditation Classifications for the district and schools for the 2011-2012 school year is “all clear.”
A motion was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Kyle Berry to adopt the 2012 textbooks selected by the Latta Early Childhood and Latta Elementary Staff. Vote was unanimous.
Larry Legette gave an update on the day care transportation.
A motion to continue with the afternoon transportation services to the local day cares was made by Kyle Berry and seconded by Edward Bethea. Vote was unanimous.
Upon Dr. Kirby’s recommendation a motion to approve the hiring of the following professional staff: Donna Nolan, Amanda Smith, Brandi Haselden, Mandi Rockhill, Rene Bryant, Carol MacNeil, Wilhelmenia Patterson and Elizabeth Curtis was made by Kenneth Kitts and seconded by Edward Bethea. Vote was unanimous.
Dr. Kirby updated the board on the following:
-Resignations of Suzie Goodwin and Tiffany Hendricks
-Hiring of para-professionals Tonya Jones and Tenico Manning.
A motion requesting the administration to come up with a solution to the concerns expressed about the after school care was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Kyle Berry. Vote was unanimous. A motion to implement at the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year a tuition fee for non-resident students of $1,000 per student with no discount for multiple children in a family, to “grandfather” in all currently enrolled non-resident students with the 2012-2013 tuition fee waived but would be assessed the tuition fee beginning in the 2013-2014 school year, the tuition fee to be paid in full prior to any enrollment, exempt the tuition fee from non-resident students whose parent(s) is a staff member of the school district, and a non-resident student who personally owns property in the Latta School District would have the local school tax portion of the tax bill deducted from the tuition fee costs consistent with the S.C. State law was made by Kenneth Kitts and
seconded by Edward Bethea. Vote was unanimous.
The board reaffirmed that if circumstances change in the local portion of school tax funds would follow the child again as it has in the past or that if any proposed state law passes that the state would pay such funds, the tuition fee would not be necessary.
A motion to go into executive session to discuss an extra duty personnel contract was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Kyle Berry. Vote was unanimous
Reconvening from executive session no action was taken. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Latta School Board Holds May Meeting
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