Highlights from the February 15th meeting of the Dillon County Council from the official approved minutes:
Mr. Young told of the Kemper site lease increase to $2,000 per year and the South Dillon site lease provision to add the CPI each year to the base amount of $1,920. Both are year to year leases, with four year extensions with provisions to cancel with a 60 day notice. Bobby Moody motioned to approve both leases. Joe Johnson seconded and all were in favor.
Bobby Moody motioned to purchase the two trailers. Archie Scott seconded and all were in favor. Mr. Young told that they are used and the cost is $37,500 each; $75,000 total (two 1998 36 feet JBEN Dump Trailers from Nichols Equipment Inc). He stated that Charlie Brown and Bennett Bethea had looked at them; the finance committee had reviewed and recommended it be placed on the agenda for Council’s consideration. He told that solid waste, tires, construction debris, recyclables and other materials can be hauled in them. Harold Moody asked about the current tractors and if another employee would be needed. Mr. Young told that we will look at that in the next budget year.
Mr. Young told that the 911 director requests this and it is state contract pricing (Carolina Recording Systems Inc $29,622 plus $600 for 4 screen capture licenses) and that we will get at least 50% from state grant funding. Archie Scott motioned to approve the upgrade. Joe Johnson seconded and all were in favor.
Mr. Dubose told that the property is adjacent to the convenience site and explained the terms of the contract; gives Dillon County time to do due diligence on adequate testing, appraisal and survey, etc. Archie Scott asked what will be built and the cost. Mr. Young told that no final decision has been made. Bobby Moody motioned to approve the agreement. Joe Johnson seconded and all, except Archie Scott, were in favor. Mr. Scott was opposed to the motion stating his reason was there were no specifications. Harold Moody stated that the building committee needs to look at what will be built.
Mr. Young furnished expenses to date for the Mohawk building. He told that the monthly fuel report was furnished to Council and went over the finance report. He noted that Council had approved a GO bond for the IWP landfill closure ($395,657 spent to date in this budget year plus last year’s amount) and City-County building roof repair ($229,062 spent to date) but that the bonds have not been issued yet. He also went over the debt service fund. He told that he will start the budget process soon. He reported that reassessment should be completed by April or May.
Archie Scott questioned only one signature on the county checks and stated he thinks the chairman’s name should still be on there also. Mr. Young told that the treasurer is the only signature name on the bank account. Mr. Scott also asked about the finance director position. Mr. Young stated he would get the administrative committee’s recommendation and get back with Council.
Mr. Young told that the administration committee had met about the public works trailers purchases and other issues.
Mr. Young discussed the building (estimated budget of $1.6 – $1.7 million) and told that he had furnished Council with an example from Oconee County. He told that all funds for this project will be funneled through Dillon County. He stated that the location is not final.
Mr. Young made a draft available to Council for their review and told that the public safety committee and fire chiefs will go over it. He told that OSHA requires physicals and the County is at risk if they’re not done. He told that all firemen will be required to take the physical and given the opportunity to retake, if failed.