Dillon School District Two had a Board of Trustees meeting on May 16, 2011.

Approval of Minutes
The minutes of April 18, 2011 were approved on a motion by Ethel Taylor with a second from Burt Rogers. All approved.

Old Business
1. Construction Update- Superintendent Rogers gave board members an update on the construction for the new middle school. Information only.
2. Budget Update- Art McMillan, Finance Director, gave board members an update on the General Fund Financial Report. The report was for July 1, 2010 through April 30, 2011. The balance for all funds as of April 30, 2011 was $4,615,135.17.

New Business
1. Federal Programs Update- Dr. Alice Grice, Assistant Superintendent for Federal Programs, informed board members that Title I is in the process of finalizing salaries that will be paid from the Title I Budget. Board members were also informed of a SIG Monitoring Visit from the SDE on May 26, 2011. Information only.
2. Palmetto Priority School’s Plan of Action- Lynn Liebenrood, Director of Accountability, presented board members with the Satisfactory Implementation Final Report for the Palmetto School Plan of Action at J.V. Martin Jr. High School and progress of their goals and strategies. Information only.
3. Title III- Lynn Liebenrood, Director of Accountability, presented board members with the draft Title III Grant Application for ESOL Students.
This proposal is for the 2011-2012 school year. A motion to accept the draft proposal was made by Alex Lewis with a second from Joe Rogers. All members approved.
4. 2011-2012 Dillon Four School Calendar- The 2011-2012 School Calendar was presented for the Board’s approval. A motion to approve the 2011-2012 school calendar was made by Ethel Taylor with a second from Mike McRae. All members approved.
5. Personnel- Dr. Polly Elkins, Assistant Superintendent for Administration and Personnel, presented the following recommendations:
Resignation: Joyce Johnson-Custodian
Resignations at the end of 2010-2011 SY: Kristian Butchko, teacher at Gordon Elementary; Teah Valrie-Speech Therapist.
Retiring at the end of the 2010-2011 SY: Jewell Benton-teacher at Gordon Elementary.
Retired Retirees not returning for the 2011-2012 SY: Rosemary Lewis- teacher at East Elementary; Charlene G. Miller- teacher at Stewart Heights Elementary; Debbie M. Miller- teacher at Gordon Elementary; and Debbie Q. Rogers- Title I Facilitator at Gordon Elementary.
Recommendations for the 2011-2012 SY: Carol Anne El-Mahdy- teacher; and Richards Fumbi- teacher.
Rehired Retiree Recommendations for the 2011-2012 SY: Debbie Butler- teacher; Ann Carlson- Media Specialist; Dolores Conn- teacher; Mary Jane Coward- teacher, John Dew, III- teacher; Jason Gunter- Administrative Assistant; Linda McKenzie- teacher; Queen McRAe- teacher; Norma Moody- teacher; James Moultrie- teacher; Gerald Reeves- teacher; Deborah W. Rogers- teacher; Angela Sports- teacher; Sarah Stubbs- Media Specialist; Famon Whitfield- teacher; Harold Wilson- teacher; Betty Colvin- Assistant; Crystal Richardson- ISS Assistant; Inetta Robinson- Secretary; Claretha Whitfield- Secretary; and Shirley Yates- Custodian.
Transfers between Dillon District Two and Dillon School District One: John B. Dew, III-teacher- from Dillon High to Lake View High; Larece Hunt- Guidance Counselor- From J.V. Martin to Lake View Middle; Cleve Calcut- Teacher- from Lake View High to Dillon High; Martha Jones- Teacher- from Lake View High to J.V. Martin; Carol Rogers- Teacher- From Lake View Middle to J.V. Martin; Cheryl Zupan- Teacher- from Lake View Middle to J.V. Martin; Keisha Rogers- Custodian- From Housekeeping Dillon to Housekeeping Lake View; Olivia Coburn- 5-K Assistant- from Lake View Middle to East Elementary; Sherry Hayes- Secretary- From Lake View District Office to Dillon District Office; Brandy Huggins- Secretary- From Lake View District Office to Dillon District Office; Lisa Nelson- 4-K Assistant- From Lake View Elementary to East Elementary; and Cheryl Turner- Clerical Assistant- From Lake View District Office to East Elementary.
A motion to approve the above personnel was made by Alex Lewis with a second from Joe Rogers.
All members approved.
Dillon High School Graduation- Superintendent Rogers reminded board members that graduation would be Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 10 a.m. All members were urged to attend.

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