Libby’s Recipes: Cooked Carrots
This recipe is from my niece Krista Allen. It is one of her favorites from her grandmother Kaye Perkins of Tennessee.
This recipe is from my niece Krista Allen. It is one of her favorites from her grandmother Kaye Perkins of Tennessee.
This recipe comes from my sister and is so simple you don’t even have to boil water- my kind of recipe.
This week’s recipe is a favorite of my nephew Jeff Huggins- and I am partial to it, too.
Our daughter Kate was home from Clemson this past week. She will be back for spring break in less than three weeks- yeah.
I made these muffins Sunday morning just before Kate headed back to Clemson. She took half the bath with her- still piping hot!
Here is a beautiful red cake you might want to bake for your sweethearts for Valentine’s Day. It is Mrs. Dorothy Jean George’s recipe.
This week’s recipe is one of my mother’s that will perhaps brighten your winter.
I’ve been tinkering with brown rice recipes and have finally come up with one I really like. Plus it is easy. Hope you will like it, too.
Now for this week’s recipe. It only has three ingredients, so maybe I’ll get it right. This is another one from my sister. She says it is not pretty, but it is good.
Traffic gets heavy; the lines at the department stores seem unending; the ringing of cash register drawers can be heard throughout the stores; the smell of homemade bread rises to one’s nostrils; tables are being covered with flour as cakes, cookies, and other recipes are being used- all of these activities constitute the Christmas season.