
You have undoubtedly heard the saying that God‘s angels could not be everywhere to respond to a believer’s need so who was sent? Mothers. A mother’s love is generally #1 on any list, but we all know who comes in a close second: Granny. This is a story that proves when all else fails, call Granny.

  • Admin 2Admin 2
  • November 26, 2010
Gibson Passes Bar Exam

The Board of Law Examiners has reported that Tiffany D. Gibson has successfully passed the South Carolina Bar July 2010 examination. The Supreme Court of South Carolina will administer the oath of office and enroll Ms. Gibson as an member of the Bar of this State at 2:30 pm, on Monday, November 29, 2010, in the Koger Center for the Arts, Downtown Columbia, SC.

  • Admin 2Admin 2
  • November 23, 2010
Nominations For Heroic Or Lifesaving Act Sought

Each year, Marlboro County Rescue presents an award for a heroic or life-saving act. Any person in Marlboro County, or one of its bordering counties, is eligible for this award. The award will be presented in December at Marlboro County Rescue’s Annual Christmas Party.