Latta Council Election Results Are In!
The Latta Town Council election results are in!
The Latta Town Council election results are in!
The polls are open in Latta, and six candidates are seeking election for three seats in the Latta Town Council election occurring today (Tuesday)
A presentation was made to the Dillon County Council at a workshop recently about the possibility of a Workforce Development Center in the county.
The Dillon City Council discussed many topics at their regular November meeting on Monday evening.
The City of Dillon municipal golf course was discussed at the Dillon City Council’s November meeting.
The Dillon County Council will meet on Nov. 20 at 4 p.m.
The U.S. Supreme Court will not hear the case of a student who was suspended in 2006 from the Latta Schools for wearing a t-shirt with the Confederate flag to school.
Members of the Dillon County Council went on their annual trip to Hilton Head in August, and in keeping with tradition, we are publishing those expenses.
Representatives of the Dillon County Public-Private (Economic Development) Partnership appeared before the Dillon County Council at their September meeting to request funding.
The Dillon County Council has been discussing the possibility of having an independent audit conducted.