Hinson Named S.C. Teaching Fellow
Victoria Hinson , a senior at Dillon High School has been named a South Carolina Teaching Fellow, the state’s most prestigious fellowship for future teachers.
Victoria Hinson , a senior at Dillon High School has been named a South Carolina Teaching Fellow, the state’s most prestigious fellowship for future teachers.
When you stop by South of the Border this summer, expect to see some scaly new residents, including alligators, crocodiles and snakes.
The bronze award was granted to Latta Early Childhood-Principal, Dollie Morrell and Latta Elementary School-Principal, Debra Morris.
Donald R. Hayes was received into Holy Orders as a Reverend Deacon as St. John’s Chrysostom Anglican Church in Richmond, Virginia on June 19, 2010.
The Dillon County Legislative Delegation has requested that the school funding formula for the districts be changed.
The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. in the District Administration Conference Room.
Pam Daniels, veteran teacher of 17 years, was proudly selected by South Elementary’s faculty to be the 2009-10 Teacher of the Year.
Mr. Swanson Rogers of Latta was ordained on May 9, 2010 as Deacon at Bright Light Apostolic Church in Sellers, where he is also a Sunday School teacher.
Mount Calvary Baptist Church honored the 2010 graduates during the morning worship service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 23.
An expansion is being considered for the Price Swine Facility located on Harllee’s Bridge Road.