Local Pastor Urges Public To Support Hometown Newspaper
The small hometown newspaper rarely gets the respect it deserves.
The small hometown newspaper rarely gets the respect it deserves.
Dillon School District Four received a $25,000 grant to purchase interactive Promethean white boards and corresponding student response systems for the district’s high school math and science classrooms.
The Dillon Christmas Parade was held Thursday, November 29th.
Robert Abson, Jr. has resigned as one of Dillon County’s representatives on the Pee Dee Regional Airport Authority.
Stewart Heights Elementary School, located at 1001 West Calhoun Street in Dillon, is celebrating 50 years of educating students in the community.
After enjoying a delicious meal the Brotherhood, WMU, and BYU assembled into the Mount Calvary Baptist Church sanctuary where guest speaker John Henry Williams spoke of his recent mission trip to Cuba
Sandy Rogers, currently a Counselor and Life Coach and formerly with the Department of Juvenile Justice, and Paul Gasque, a former pastor with the United Methodist Church, were invited to Latta Middle School to present an educational program on the nature and consequences of bullying during National Bullying Awareness Month.
The Dillon/Marion Home School Group held a Mock Election on Tuesday, November 6 at Little Rock Baptist Church.
Rev. Harold Cooke was the guest speaker for Mount Calvary Baptist Church’s 125th Homecoming service held on Sunday, Nov. 11, at 11:00 a.m.