LVHS Holiday Assembly Held
Lake View High School Student Council members, KD Cox, Kayla Sanderson, Tara Johnson, Rebecca Hayes, and Ta’Tiyanna Lee proudly display the gifts collected at the annual LVHS Holiday Assembly on Thursday, December 20.
Lake View High School Student Council members, KD Cox, Kayla Sanderson, Tara Johnson, Rebecca Hayes, and Ta’Tiyanna Lee proudly display the gifts collected at the annual LVHS Holiday Assembly on Thursday, December 20.
The Mount Calvary Joy Choir has been busy practicing for their Christmas musical on December 23rd.
Traffic gets heavy; the lines at the department stores seem unending; the ring of cash register drawers can be heard throughout the stores; the smell of homemade bread rises to one’s nostrils; tables are being covered with flour as cakes, cookies and other recipes are being used – all of these activities constitute the Christmas season.
The Mount Calvary Church Adult Choir held a cantata.
It’s beginning to look alot like Christmas. . . for some it is. . . and for some it never really does.
Dillon, SC native Dr. Dixon Lee, Jr. was inducted into the South Carolina Dairy Hall of Fame at a ceremony at Clemson University recently.
The South Carolina School Counselor Association 29th Annual Conference was held November 2-4, 2012 in Myrtle Beach, SC
0 Contributed The congregation of First Presbyterian Church rejoices that Dr. John Owens Bumgardner has served faithfully as their pastor for the past thirty years. He began his pastorate at…
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