The 8U Dillon Dixie Darlings won the state championship on Wednesday, July 9, with a 9-3 win over Aynor. The team will now advance to the 2014 Dixie Darlings World Series in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, with opening ceremonies on Friday, July 25.
The team is asking for the support of the entire community in helping them reach the World Series to represent the state of South Carolina.
Donations, great or small, and sponsorships or contributions of any kind will be greatly appreciated. The team wishes to thank everyone who helps with donations on their way to state.
Any donations for the state championship team can be taken to First Citizens Bank and make a check payable to Dillon Dixie Darlings 8U, or contact either Coach Jeff Stutler at 260-3134, or Coach Stevie Grice at 206-1743.
Thank you for your support of your South Carolina team! (adv.)