CSX Transportation is proposing to erect a 75 ft. tall Positive Train Control (PTC) tower within CSXT right-of-way in Dillon County.
   In a public notice, the location is listed at 34.477951 (latitude) and -79.330884 (longitude), which is located at approximately 133 Elkins Road in Hamer.
  “Positive Train Control (PTC) is a system designed to prevent train-to-train collisions, derailments caused by excessive speeds, unauthorized train movements in work zones, and the movement of trains through switches left in the wrong position. PTC networks enable real-time information sharing between trains, rail wayside devices, and ‘back office’ applications, regarding train movement, speed restrictions, train position and speed, and the state of signal and switch devices,” according to the FCC Encyclopedia. “The National Transportation Safety Board has named PTC as one of its ‘most-wanted’ initiatives for national transportation safety,” the FCC Encyclopedia says.
  CSXT is inviting the public to notify CSXT of any effects the placement of this tower may have on properties listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places or any concerns the public may have with regard to the potential impact the tower may have on natural and cultural resources subject to NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) or NHPA (National Historic Preservation Act) review and consideration.
  Background information regarding the PTC program may be accessed at FCC’s website, http://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/positive-train-control-ptc.
   Please direct your comments to Aubyn Williams at HDR, 200 W. Forsyth St., Suite 800, Jacksonville, FL 32202. Comments must be received within 10 days fom March 25.

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