Mount Calvary Baptist Church held the monthly meeting of Brotherhood, WMU, and BYW on Monday, January 3, at 7:00 p.m. at the Family Life Center.
After enjoying a delicious meal and fellowship, the groups dispersed to their respective groups.
John Henry Williams was the guest speaker for the Brotherhood. Williams discussed his recent missionary trip to Cuba. In Matthew 28, we are commissioned to go out to all part of the world and spread the Word. Williams made his most recent trip to Cuba in 2013.
This was his fourth trip to Cuba. He was one of a group of twelve who met in Miami to fly to Cuba. This group is part of the Rob White Ministry.
To this date, the ones from this ministry has started 72 churches, all “house” churches in Cuba. This group devotes a great deal of time to the children while sharing the gospel with everyone.
While preaching one must never speak of the government as one will probably be thrown in prison. At night time, many pack into the house where the gospel is being taught. Some are really hungry for the Word while others do not want to hear of Jesus. While in Cuba on this mission trip, the group witnessed 169 salvations in only one week. Simply stated everyone’s mission is to inform others of Jesus.
Mount Calvary Baptist Church is located at 405 Mount Calvary Road, Dillon.
John Henry Williams Speaks To Mount Calvary Brotherhood
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