By Bill Aston

All Dillon County second place shooters with the awards provided by SCDNR.

The Dillon County 4-H Shooting Sports team claimed second place in three different divisions at the South Carolina Youth Shooting Foundations (SCYSF) State Skeet and Trap Championship held at Mid Carolina Gun Club on Saturday, June 22, 2013. The team won second place in the Rookie Division, the JV Division, and the Lady’s Division. The competition results consisted of a combined score from 50 skeet targets and 50 Trap Targets.

2nd Place JV Division – Myers Hamer, Samuel Colman, and Cole Anders.
In the JV Division, the Dillon County Squad lost by three targets out of a possible three hundred. The team from Pine Wood Prep shot 252 to Dillon County’s 249 for the win. The Dillon County team was led by Samuel Coleman with a score of 85, Cole Anders shooting 84, and Myers Hamer breaking 80 targets.

In the Rookie division, the win went to home team Mid Carolina. The Dillon county team was led by Rich McFee breaking 63 targets and fellow teammates Boone Campbell shooting 61 and Cooper Lane scoring 56.

The lady’s division is for all female shooters and Dillon County’s Tangie McFee won second placed behind Pendleton 4-H.

2nd Place Rookie Division – Rich McFee, Cooper Lane, and Boone Campbell.
Dillon County also had a squad in the Intermediate Division which placed just out of the medal category, coming in fourth in that division. The squad members were Eli Long, Davis Lockemy, and Jackson Coleman.

In the Senior Division, Dillon County did not have a full Squad but did have an individual shooter, Huston Hamer, who has been shooting with the Dillon County 4-H for several years. Huston is from Marlboro County and had shot with Marlboro County 4-H prior to joining the Dillon County team. Huston shot a score of 82 out of 100.

Another varsity shooter who originally shot with Marlboro County, R W O’Tuel, shot a score of 70 out of 100 as a member of the Mid Carolina team.

Tangie McFee, 2nd place Lady’s Division.
The South Carolina DNR sponsored the State Skeet and Trap event for all shooters. The DNR provided four boxes of shells for all shooters, covered the cost of the targets and provided awards for all Divisions. They also had two officers on hand to deliver safety talks and provide assistance on the shooting range.

This was the final shoot of the season for the SCYSF and 4-H. The Dillon County 4-H team had shooters to attend all but two of this year’s 11 competitions. The team will take a few weeks off before beginning practice for the 2013/2014 season. Anyone interested in joining the team may contact the Clemson Extension office in Dillon at 843-774-8218.

The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer.

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