Filing is underway, and candidates are already knocking on doors. Sometime back, The Herald printed a column from Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom about questions every candidate should answer. He said it is important to know how candidates stand on the issues and what kind of public service style they will have. Here are the questions (as printed in his previous column) that he says should be asked to every candidate and that every candidate should be willing to answer:
—Will they commit to a totally positive campaign, focused on issues rather than attacks on opponents?
—Will they commit to serving a full term in the office to which they are elected? (Too often, candidates seek one office only to use it as a “stepping stone” to higher office.)
—Will they show respect to citizens who speak out, even when those citizens express dissenting viewpoints? (Too often, politicians try to disparage those with whom they disagree. I’d offer, however, that citizen participation is an important part of democracy, and those who speak their minds should be not only respected but cherished. We’re all better off when elected leaders listen to the voices of the governed.)
—What would they do to ensure they reflect the views of those they represent? Will they seek input and feedback on the issues? Will they continue to meet with citizens all year long to gain their views, rather than just at election time?
—Will they push for greater government transparency, so that citizens can see how their tax dollars are spent and how decisions that affect them are made? Will they work to ensure that decisions will be made in the open, rather than behind closed doors? (Transparency is the key to quality government.)
—Will they balance the need for public services with the taxpayers’ desire to keep as much of their own, hard-earned money as possible? (Too often, elected officials consider spending your tax dollars as the answer to every problem, without ever considering the burden that this spending places on taxpayers.)
This is food for thought. As a voter, you may have other questions. Know where your candidates stand before you cast your vote.

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