The Dillon County Ministerial Alliance held the Community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 19, at 6:00 p.m. at the New Memorial Temple of Christ.
Dr. James Orr of Pyerian Baptist Church had opening remarks followed by Bishop Joseph Graham of the New Memorial Temple of Christ who welcomed everyone and offered a prayer.
The congregation sang “How Great Thou Art”.
Rev. James Smith of the East Dillon Baptist Church had the Responsive Reading.
The Marshill Bibleway Praise Choir bless everyone with special music.
The City of Dillon Mayor Tally McColl offered the Community Prayer.
Rev. Tommy Lee Pittman of the Marshill Bibleway Church offered an Offertory Prayer for the Dillon County Free Medical Clinic and The Pregnancy Center of Dillon County. The offering was $800.00 to be split evenly at $400.00 each.
Pastor Jeffery Pompey of the Living for Christ Ministries read Psalm 115 for the Scripture of Thanksgiving.
Rev. Tommy Lee Pittman presented the family of Douglas Pernell with a Memorial plaque. Moses Heyward presented an identical plaque was also presented to Sheriff Jamie Hamilton to be placed at the Dillon County Sheriff’s Office.
Pastor Douglas Gerald presented the family of Michael Keyes with a Memorial Plaque. An identical plaque was also presented to Michael McRae to be placed at the church.
The congregation sang “Amazing Grace.” Rev. Henry Altman of Main Street Methodist Church had the message. He spoke from Philippians 4:4-9.
Rev. James Orr of the Pyerian Baptist Church had announcements.
Rev. Jamont McRae of the Faith Tabernacle Pentecostal Holiness Church had the Benediction.
The New Memorial Temple of Christ is located at 2062 Highway 301 South, Dillon.
Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald