Regular Meeting
Of the
Latta Town Council
April 13, 2023
7:00 p.m.
The Latta Town Council held a regular meeting on April 13, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
The following council members were present: Councilman Jarett Taylor, Councilwoman Lizzie Crawford, Councilman Abbott Shelley, Councilman Marcus McGirt, Mayor Teresa Mason, Councilman Brad Coward, and Councilwoman Melinda Robinson.
Councilman McGirt called the meeting to order, led by the pledge of Allegiance, and Councilwoman Crawford offered prayer.
Councilman McGirt made a motion to amend the agenda to add executive session to discuss some items that are on the agenda. It was seconded by Councilwoman Crawford. The vote was Councilman Taylor-aye, Councilwoman Crawford-aye, Councilman Shelley-aye, Councilman McGirt-aye, Mayor Mason-nay, Councilman Coward-aye, and Councilwoman Robinson-aye.
Councilman McGirt made a motion to go into executive session, seconded by Councilwoman Robinson. The vote was Councilman Taylor-aye, Councilwoman Crawford-aye, Councilman Shelley-aye, Councilman McGirt-aye, Mayor Mason-nay, Councilman Coward-aye, and Councilwoman Robinson -aye.
Minutes from
Regular Meeting
on March 9, 2023
Motion was made by Mayor Mason to accept the minutes from the regular meeting on March 9th, and it was seconded by Councilman Taylor.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Minutes from
Called Meeting
on March 16, 2023
Councilman Taylor made a motion to accept the minutes from the called meeting on March 16th,, and it was seconded by Councilman Shelley.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Glenda Schleich:
Pee Dee Coalition
Glenda Schleich thanked the council for supporting Pee Dee Coalition and explained what Pee Dee Coalition does for the community. Glenda handed out packets to the council so they can see what all Pee Dee Coalition offers to the community.
Fair Housing Resolution
Councilman McGirt read the Fair Housing Resolution.
Councilman Taylor made a motion to adopt the ordinance and it was seconded by Mayor Mason.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Discuss Edwards House
Councilman Taylor explained that three people came and asked council if they could search for grants for the Edwards House. Councilwoman Robinson stated that it is town property, and they don’t want it to go down.
Motion was made by Councilman Shelley to move forward with looking for grants to restoring the Edwards House, seconded by Councilman Coward.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Discuss Street Director
and Possible
Action To Be Taken
Councilman Coward stated that they have hired Charles Lemon for the street supervisor. He has 20 years experience, and he will be good for the town. He said he thought it was a win for the town.
Discuss Merchandise
Sold On Gov Deals
Chief Bryant stated he wanted council to know they have sold some assets as far as equipment. There was a total of 13 assets sold—12 from police department side and one from street department side. From the police department side, 10 of the assets sold were from the 1033 program. The total assets they were able to sell was $47,049.99.
Mayor Mason explained that he is looking to buy vehicles, and the money is not going into the general fund account.
Chief Bryant explained that he is working on a proposal for council about getting some vehicles for the police department.
Discuss Administrator’s Role and Possible Action
To Be Taken
Mayor Mason stated that in executive session they got all of our question answered and taken care of so she doesn’t think they have anything else to discuss.
Discuss Catching Up On Bills and Possible Action To Be Taken
Mayor Mason stated that the $40,000 they voted on and just approved the minutes for to repay the water and sewer fund has not been done yet. They have $439, 000 in the American Rescue account —$290,000 goes to the trash truck, and $40,000 goes to the water and sewer account. That leaves the town with $109,000 available. Past due insurance totals $53,181.31 plus the $8,000 workmen’s comp insurance that was due is March so it is over $62,000.
Motion was made by Mayor Mason to transfer $62,366.34 in American Rescue money to catch up on insurance, seconded by Councilman Taylor.
Councilwoman Robinson asked why they can’t take some of the FEMA money and pay some of the insurance with that money. Mayor Mason stated that they needed to keep some of the money in the FEMA account for emergencies.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Department Reports
Police Report
Chief Bryant stated he had nothing else to add.
Court Report
Judge Dupree stated she didn’t have anything else to add.
Park And Rec Report
Mayor Mason stated that they just moved $15,000 from American Rescue money last month. The beginning balance in July was less than $600. The general fund added $5100 to over the Family Sports Center bill that was due at that time. When T.J. took over at the end of February the balance was $2200, but we again owed Family Sports $7300 which means we were in the hole $5300. Mayor Mason stated that with the number of kids signing up, and the money deposited doesn’t match up for basketball or football. She went on to say that with the softball and baseball sign-ups the money doesn’t add up to what was deposited.
T.J. Bourgoin stated that his concern is that they had 180 kids, and there is a difference of 53 kids, and the money isn’t adding up. The council discussed how to make things work smoother in the future.
Council Reports
Councilman Taylor wanted to remind everyone that Springfest is this Saturday. Councilman Coward called him and asked if he knew of anyone with a street sweeper, and he wanted everyone to know that Dillon came over and helped Latta out with that. There is a leak in the ditch by the bridge on Bamberg and Highland Drive. Councilman Taylor said he had discussed with the Mayor, and there is a hearing on the 21st of April about the mayor election and paying her attorney fees. Council discussed things, and no one was aware of the hearing. The council talked about different things about the hearing and the bill that the mayor has accrued with lawyer fees.
Councilwoman Robinson
Councilwoman Robinson stated that she received a letter that the Latimer School is eligible to be a historical building.
Councilman McGirt
Councilman McGirt thanked everyone for coming. Ms. Burgess rented the Community Center and he was there and mopped and swept the floor, and it was cleaned. The council discussed it and agreed to give them the deposit back.
Councilwoman Crawford
Councilwoman Crawford thanked everyone for coming.
Mayor Mason
Mayor Mason said everyone got a copy of the audit. They need to get the next audit going, and they need to renew and get them paid $16,000 for this audit.
Councilman Shelley
Councilman Shelley asked about street signs and could he get some money for them. Mayor Mason said there is $1000 in the budget, but he needs to wait for the new budget.
Tyrone Willis
Is there anything we can do to stop the sly comments? Mayor Mason said Robert’s Rules of order. My comments are towards council not to the citizens. The Town of Latta needs their own page on Facebook®, and Mayor Mason asked what happened to the town’s page. Councilman McGirt stated Cierra was over it, and she is no longer employed with Latta.
Motion was made by Councilman Coward to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Taylor.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Called Meeting
Of the
Latta Town Council
April 17, 2023
6:00 p.m.
The Latta Town Council held a called meeting on April 17, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Councilman Taylor, Councilwoman Crawford, Councilman Shelley, Councilman McGirt, Mayor Mason, Councilman Coward, and Councilwoman Robinson.
Councilman McGirt called the meeting to order, led by the pledge of Allegiance, and Councilman Shelley offered prayer.
Mayor Mason excused herself from the meeting being executive session was pertaining to her.
Executive Session to Discuss Legal Matters
Motion was made by Councilwoman Robinson to go into executive session to discuss legal matters, seconded by Councilman Shelley.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Council May Take Action On Matters
Discussed In Executive Session
Councilman Shelley made a motion to pay the outstanding legal fees pursuant to the applicable statutes of $9,128.88, seconded by Councilwoman Crawford.
Councilman Taylor-aye, Councilwoman Crawford-aye, Councilman Shelley-aye, Councilman McGirt-aye, Councilman Coward-nay, and Councilwoman Robinson-nay.
Motion was made by Councilwoman Robinson to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Councilman Shelley.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Called Meeting
Of the
Latta Town Council
April 28, 2023
5:00 p.m.
The Latta Town Council held a called meeting on April 28, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.. The following council members were present: Councilman Taylor, Councilwoman Crawford, Councilman Shelley, Mayor Mason, Councilman Coward, and Councilwoman Robinson. Mayor Mason called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilman Shelley offered prayer. Councilman McGirt was present by phone.
Discuss Dog Issues
Councilman Coward stated that the town has to get a handle on the dog issue going on in the town. Councilwoman Robinson explained that Chief Bryant wasn’t aware of the meeting until last minute, but he was in town until 3:00 a.m. this morning out looking for the dogs. He is working with outside agents and trying to do what is best for the citizens of Latta. The council and citizens discussed different things about what the town needs to do about the dog issues that are going on.
Motion was made by Councilman Taylor to continue working with outside agencies and also allow qualified individuals to come in and trap animals in a humane way as possible. It was seconded by Councilman Shelley.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Motion was made by Councilman Taylor to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mayor Mason.
It was unanimously approved by a roll call vote of council.