Moses Heyward, Community Relationship Manager for Dillon County Sheriff’s Office, is excited to report the success of our outreach program, “Are You Okay?,” that targets Seniors 65 and older.

Moses Heyward

Calls go out weekly, and when needed, follow-up calls and/or assistance is provided.
This outreach program has proven to be a positive and appreciative effort.
“We are still encouraging others in this category to sign-up. It is NOT too late. It is only natural for us to know that someone is sincerely concerned about us, even as we age. In addition, this is like having an additional family member checking in on family,” said Heyward.
“We are now ready to reach out to those individuals that are younger than 65. We wanted to start with citizens sixty-five and older, but now would love to reach out to citizens below our phase one group. We strongly believe that there are such citizens in need of this effort as well. We simply need you to contact us providing us with some basic information. You will also need to provide us with the name and telephone number of the first emergency contact of the individual being called,” Heyward explained.
Please keep in mind that it is also our goal to establish a positive bond between the community and law enforcement as well as help our citizens feel safer in their home environment. Day by day, the Sheriff’s Office sees a greater need for our constituents to feel at peace in Dillon County and know that we do care.
Do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions of concern and/or further information they may share with you. Moses Heyward can be reached at 843-506-4973. He will be happy to assist you.

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