A Faith and Blue event was held on Saturday, October 8th at Pyerian Baptist Church in Floyd Dale from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Approximately 150 people attended.
Those in attendance enjoyed softball, basketball, and volleyball. Hamburgers and other goodies were served.
All police officers wore blue shirts. Clergy wore gold shirts. A great time of fellowship was enjoyed.
“Faith & Blue was launched to facilitate safer, stronger, more just and unified communities by directly enabling local partnerships among law enforcement professionals, residents, businesses and community groups through the connections of local faith-based organizations. The initiative aims to re-calibrate police-community relations through solutions-focused, in-person, socially distanced and/or virtual activities that are organized jointly by faith-based or other community groups and law enforcement agencies,” according to their website.

Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald
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On Saturday, October 9th, around one hundred and fifty members of the public along with Dillon, Latta, and Lake View Police Departments and the Dillon County Sheriff’s Office enjoyed a time of recreation and fellowship.
The event was hosted at Pyerian Baptist Church’s athletic field.
Hot dogs and hamburgers were along with goodies were served. Sheriff Douglas Pernell and Pastor James Smith of East Dillon Baptist opened the event with encouragement and a devotion and prayer. A softball game was played by the participants with many local pastors joining in the fun. Some officers came by as the were on patrol to pick up lunch. A free t-shirt had been provided behand to each officer. Local youth and children played volleyball, basketball, and on the church playground.
Sheriff Pernell called for a moment of silence to remember fallen officer Jackson Winkeler, who attended Pyerian Baptist Church. The Pyerian AWANA children’s group presented candy bars with attached thank you notes for the officers. Eighteen different groups and individuals sponsored the event.
After the game speakers included State Senator Jackie Hayes, County Councilman Jamal Campbell, and Interim Latta Police Chief Zane Bryant. Many commented on how much they were looking forward to next year’s event. Faith and Blue weekend is a national event with individual events in all fifty states.

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