The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club met on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at The City of Dillon Wellness Center. Ten members were in attendance.
The March meeting began by President Moody welcoming all members and praising our guest speaker for volunteering to present the program.
All members then stood and recited the Pledge to the Garden Club of South Carolina Flag and the Yellow Jessamine Garden Club mission statement.
The devotion and blessing of food was given by Glenda Campbell. The members then answered roll by the naming of a healthy food.
Projects and Litter Chairman, Mary Ricks, stated that there needs to be a workday on Monday, March 23, 2020 at 5 p.m.. to replace mulch and remove limbs and leaves. Also, Harmon Park is to be spruced up.
Publicity and Horticulture Chairman, Melissa Moody, stated that the monthly meeting is placed in The Dillon Herald and one of the YJGC projects was placed in the South Carolina Gardener. She also dispersed the Yellow Jessamine Newsletter, “The Twining Vine” which informs the members of the upcoming events and happenings.
Pennies for Pollinators were gathered and Mildred Mishue, Ways and Means Chairman, had no business to report at this time. The Birds report was given by Frances Tyler and she spoke on Woodpeckers. These birds are beautiful to watch as they build cavities in trees and as other birds make use of these cavities too.
Flower Chairman, Larue Bracey, spoke on the flower of the month for March is the Narcissus, better known as the Daffodil. The Greek word “narkissos” and its base word “narke” meaning narcotic. This meaning is referring to the sedative effect from the alkaloids in its plants. These bright yellow flowers have already been seen this year by the roadsides, in gardens and as landscapes around homes.
Correspondence Chairman, Theresa Hamilton, reminded all members of the meeting through emails and calls.
Frances Tyler, Treasurer, presented the report and stated the debits and credits for our club.
Several members plan to attend the GCSC Coastal District meeting in Loris, S.C. on March 12 at Loris Center for Health and Fitness. The meeting is entitled, “Letting Our Light Shine by Taking Care of Our Environment” and we look forward to all the exciting news that The Garden Club of South Carolina is going to share.
New business shared was the two gifts each club needs to bring to the Coastal meeting, an arrangement that the club is making in honor of Emily Stephens and that the Yellow Jessamine has sponsored three youth who have placed in the awards for the Youth Symposium. The three youth will be given their awards on March 28, 2020 at an Awards Ceremony at Riverbanks Zoo.
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club also plans to send several members to the GCSC State meeting in Columbia, S.C. at Riverbanks Zoo on April 23.
Membership Chairman, Glenda Campbell had no new prospects at this time.
The program by Jessie Pittman was very educational. Jessie has worked with Clemson Extension Agency and RALI. She is currently working on her Master’s in Public Health through Liberty University.
Through her experience with Clemson Extension and Rural Area Leadership Initiative, her love for eating and planting healthy has driven her to strive to help others do the same.
Jessie’s PowerPoint presentation, “Eat Healthy, Plant Healthy” enlightened the members on how important planting smart can impact your health.(NGC Objective: advance the art of gardening and horticulture)
Safe chemicals and fertilizers are crucial when planting. Some herbicides and pesticides contain harsh chemicals that will negatively impact your health.
Safer solutions are offered; such as a natural weed killer would be vinegar
Vinegar is also cheaper and better for the environment.
Another solution would be to use eco-safe chemicals. The labels on the outside of most containers will inform the consumer of any harsh chemicals.
In addition to planting healthy, it is also as important to eat healthy.
When filling your plate, try and get a plate full of colorful vegetables and fruits. Lettuce, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes are a few bright colored vegetables that are high in vitamins.
Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are high in beta carotene which is excellent for immune function, strong bones and decreases the risk of some cancers.
Red is another helpful color for fruits and vegetables that may help against certain cancers and lower the risk of diabetes. Such foods as watermelon, tomatoes, strawberries and red peppers are examples. Green fruits and vegetables are always great for your health. Broccoli, kiwi, zucchini, kale and collards are plants that contain chlorophyll. This allows toxins to be removed from the body and also boosts the immune system.
By choosing to eat healthy foods and practice healthy ways of planting, this will increase our energy and allow our lives to be more fruitful.
The Yellow Jessamine once again thanked Jessie for presented this instructional and informative program.
The meeting was then adjourned. The door prize was won by Mildred Mishue.
The next meeting will be held on April 7, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at The American Legion Hut, as Terry Hayes will be the hostess and Theresa Hamilton will be the program leader.
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., South Atlantic Region of Garden Clubs, The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc., and the Coastal District of the Garden Club of South Carolina.
‘Eat Healthy, Plant Healthy’ Is Topic Of Yellow Jessamine Garden Club Meeting
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