Larceny-Strong Arm Robbery
According to a report by First Sergeant Reggie Thompson on Nov. 8th, he received a call at South of the Border’s Pantry East. 
An employee at the store told him than an unknown suspect came inside the store and asked if they sold Seneca 100 cigarettes, and she said yes. 
When the employee put the cigarettes on the counter, the suspect gave her $5 to pay for them. 
When the employee opened the cash register, the suspect put her hand in, snatched out the money and ran out the door.  She fled in a car with a white male driver headed towards North Carolina.

Attempted Armed Robbery
According to a report by PFC James McDaniels, on November 5th, he was dispatched to the S.C. Welcome Center in reference to an attempted armed robbery. 
The man told the deputy that he went into the restroom, and a large black male entered in behind him and demanded his wallet. 
The man told the suspect that he did not have his wallet, and the suspect hit him in the head with a blunt object at least five times, which he tried to block with his arms.  The suspect ran out of the restroom, and the victim followed & threw a large metal ash tray at the suspect. 
Approximately four wall tiles were broken during the struggle in the restroom.  The man fled in a late model silver Nissan hatchback in the south lane of I-95.  The victim called 9-1-1 and was transported to the hospital.

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