By Betsy Finklea
A special time capsule ceremony and Christmas Tree Lighting was held at the Dillon County Courthouse on Thursday.
Judge James E. Lockemy said that 100 years ago in 1911-1912 that a time capsule was placed in a cornerstone in the courthouse in basically what he described as a tin box. The time capsule was removed a couple of years ago, and the items were destroyed due to water damage. He said the purpose of this program was to create a new time capsule as he and the committee were charged to do by the Dillon County Council that could be opened in 50 years so some of the young people present at this ceremony could be there in 2067 when the time capsule was opened and could reflect on this day. He said December was chosen for the occasion because on December 9, 1909, the people voted for Dillon County to become a county. He charged the young people present to have a ceremony in 50 years to open the time capsule.
The cornerstone will not be ready until January, and at that time, it will be placed in the courthouse.
Judge Lockemy also mentioned that a copy of the original Dillon County charter had been located and is in the possession of Jay David, whose family has a long history in the county.
There was a brief ceremony with several speakers. Clerk of Court Gwen T. Hyatt, chair of time capsule committee, welcomed everyone. Bishop Michael Goings opened with an invocation and closed the ceremony with a benediction.
Councilman Harold Moody, a member of the committee, talked about the capsule and the essays written by the students and their hopes and dreams for the future. He said they will be fulfilled because of the people who laid a solid foundation for this county. He also spoke of the opportunity coming with Inland Port Dillon.
Terry Powers, a local musician, performed Christmas in Dixie, and later Silent Night during a candlelighting ceremony that was held.
Councilman Archie Scott spoke of the county’s progress. and recent announcements such as the inland port and the large expansion at Harbor Freight Tools. He said the state of the county is good, and the time capsule will reflect the good in Dillon County.
Several items were placed in the time capsule. A final list will be printed in The Dillon Herald when the time capsule is actually placed in the courthouse.
Students who wrote essays were recognized, and three students, Eleazer Cruz, Mattie McIntyre, and John C. Gasque read their essays. Robin Thompson and friends sang Christmas carols, and a Christmas tree was lit
It was a grand occasion attended by several in the community including many young people who will have the opportunity to have their own ceremony in 2067.
Editor’s Note: The following is the winning essay written for the time capsule. It will be placed in the time capsule to be read again in 50 years in 2067. Over the course of the next several months, several of the essays written by students will be printed sharing their vision of our county in 50 years.
My Vision of Dillon
County in Fifty Years
By Eleazar Cruz
Dillon High School
“What is my vision of Dillon County in 50 years?” When I try to imagine Dillon County in 50 years, I cannot do so without also thinking of the beautiful people that make up Dillon County. When I imagine Dillon County 50 years from now, I imagine a county that exemplifies the inner beauty of its citizens. Citizens who have welcomed me as an immigrant and made me feel at home and not like an outside who doesn’t belong. When I think of this, my vision is that Dillon Count resembles the inviting nature and warm feeling of home that its citizens possess.
When I imagine how the county will look 50 years from now, I see vibrant colors everywhere. Colors as warm and inviting as the people that make up Dillon County in 50 years. I imagine the center of these colors being our South of the Border roadside attraction. However, in my vision I see a renovated South of the Border scattered with the beautiful flags from around the world alongside the Stars and Stripes and the Palmetto flag, all under the Carolina blue sky.
50 years from now, I envision Dillon County with a diverse network of businesses. Businesses that demonstrate the hard work that Dillon County citizen’s put into everything they do. I envision Dillon County as a commercial hub for business. Businesses that will provide jobs and bring prosperity to the County. Businesses that will provide for the funding of schools which will foster bright new minds that will lead innovation. this way, the Dillon County I see 50 years from now will be prosperous, new diverse, inviting and innovative. New technologies from our future generations of scientists and engineers would make Dillon County the pinnacle of innovation.
Who knows, maybe 50 years from now our power will be self-sufficient thanks to renewable energy sources or maybe our cars will be able to charge as they drive, thanks to an ingenious by a Dillon County citizen.
Even with all the change I envision for Dillon County 50 years from now, there is one thing I would like to stay the same, and that is the beautiful people of this county. I hope that with all the prosperity and change that comes to the county, the people will still be kind and caring. I hope to one day see Dillon County full of community service volunteers making sure that everyone has what they need to achieve their own success.
I hope that Dillon County citizens will continue to be the same kind of people who took me in despite being an immigrant. After all, no matter what, the citizens are still the most beautiful part of the Dillon County I envision 50 years from now and until the end of time.
Editor’s Note: The following is one of the essays to be placed in the time capsule to be read again in 50 years in 2067. Over the course of the next several months, several of the essays written by students will be printed sharing their vision of our county in 50 years.
My Vision of Dillon
County in Fifty Years
By Mattie McIntyre
7th Grade
Dillon Middle School
Have you ever sat down and thought about the future of our County? Well, I have, and these are my thoughts.. I think in 50 years Dillon County will have better schools, a more beneficial government system, and I think our poverty level will experience a major decrease.
When I think of Dillon County in 50 years, the first thing that comes to my mind is our schools. Dillon County Schools has experienced a tremendous shortage of employees in the last two years. With not many people choosing the teaching profession, I think lessons will have to be broadcasted in the classrooms. Also, with the inland port arriving soon, our population will increase dramatically. With a major population increase, new schools would have to be built to hold all of these new students. Schools all over Dillon County will change.
In order for Dillon County to prosper within the next 50 years our government and way of doing things is going to change. I think level headed decisions will be made to benefit the growth of Dillon County. Also, our political leaders are going to have to step up to uphold their responsibilities. In the upcoming years, I think decisions made will benefit the county, not just certain individuals. Government and politics will definitely change in the next 50 years.
Currently, in Dillon County, poverty and crime are serious issues. In the future, I think our poverty level will decrease because of the increase in industry that will come along with the inland port. The new port is going to supply jobs to many unemployed people, which will cause our poverty rate to decrease. Naturally, with a decrease in po
verty comes a decrease in crime. If poverty and crime rates decrease, Dillon County will be in for some good things.
In conclusion, I think Dillon County will change for the better in the next 50 years. I think our school system will be changed, our government will change and our poverty level will decline.
The next 50 years for Dillon County will be nothing short of exciting. Are you ready to see all of these great plans come to life?
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