Highlights from the Regular Council Meeting of the Latta Town Council
May 11, 2017
Reading of Council/Mayor Salary
Motion that all seven Council members will make $800 a year and whoever is nominated as the administrator and the assistant administrator will make an additional $800 a year and if the form of government changes back to strong mayor then this will be wiped out and revert back to councilman making $600 a year and mayor making $3600 a year.
Motion to accept the second reading was made by Councilman Drawhorn and seconded by Councilman Reaves.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of the council.
Police report
Chief Cartwright went to chief’s school a couple of weeks ago.
Chief Cartwright also asked if he could purchase a radar that would cost $750.
Councilman Taylor made a motion to buy one radar unit and Councilman Reaves seconded.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
Chief Cartwright explained that the town had to have a mutual aid agreement in place and there needed to be a Resolution passed.
Motion to accept the Resolution was made by Councilman Herring and seconded by Councilman Drawhorn.
It was unanimously approved by roll call vote of council.
South Carolina has a SC Law enforcement association the town pays a membership for every officer and its $30 per officer and it provides training and legal issues to help them do their job.