Conflict Between County Council, Past Administrator Concerns Citizen

Dear Editor:
I write this letter on the week of the 47th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have a Dream” speech and the 1 yr passing of Senator Ted Kennedy-two people who dedicated their lives building strong communities for all people.
Several weeks ago I submitted a letter questioning the purpose of Dillon County  PAC.  As a result I, along with an invited friend, met with PAC members Dan Bozard and John Alford.  I was pleased with our discussions as we agreed on many issues affecting the growth of Dillon County.  I made it clear that our beloved county will not (absolutely can not) progress without acknowledging, respecting, and embracing the wealth of diversity that exist within our community.  The ongoing conflict between County Council and the past administrator continues to concern me.  I have followed news articles, tv media, and heard comments from the general public and often times find myself embarrassed by the ethnocentricity of small minded people.
We must not forget we live in a democratic society.  We may not always agree with decisions but it is in the best interest of Dillon that we respect them. I firmly believe changes do need to be made within the council; however, strategies must be carried out objectively without damaging the positive attributes that make up this county. Potential businesses and industries will not settle in a community that is divided.  History, and even in my personal life, has proven that it is wise to lose a few battles in order to win the war. Every man and woman of biblical days that became great leaders had to first endure hardship and disappointments-even Jesus himself who was blameless.
In memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Senator Ted Kennedy, whose background and experiences were very different, I am encouraged that Dillon County can persevere through unusual circumstances and do what is best for its citizens and future generations to come.
Respectfully submitted,
Toni Graves

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