By Betsy Finklea
Arbor Day was celebrated in Dillon on Friday, December 2, with a proclamation signing and ceremony.
Several garden club members gathered for a proclamation signing by Dillon Mayor Todd Davis prior to the ceremony held at the Dillon Wellness Center.
The ceremony opened with a welcome from Julie Sawyer, president of the Glove and Trowel Garden Club. Burt Rogers, City of Dillon Public Works Superintendent and Certified Arborist, read a description of the Chinese Wingnut tree that was planted in recognition of Arbor Day. He also read the Arbor Day proclamation signed by Mayor Davis.
The invocation was given by Dr. John O. Bumgardner, Jr., pastor of Dillon First Presbyterian Church.
A Tree City Presentation was made by Lois Edwards of Pee Dee Region Urban Forestry. This is the 13th year that the City of Dillon has been named a Tree City. To be considered, a city must have a tree board, a public tree ordinance, spend $2 per capita on urban forestry, and celebrate Arbor Day. She said that she was glad that the citizens of Dillon take pride in their city, state, and country. Dr. Bumgardner closed the ceremony, which was hosted by the Glove and Trowel Garden Club.
The Glove and Trowel Garden Club was organized in January 1953 and federated in March 1954. They are members of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., South Atlantic Region of the National Council, the Garden Club of South Carolina, and the Coastal District of the Garden Club of South Carolina, and the Coastal District of the Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc. The officers are Julie Sawyer, president; Dawn Arnette, vice-president; Molly Pittman, secretary; Ellen Jordan, treasurer; Fay Sloan, historian; and Julia McLaurin, parliamentarian. Members are Rosemary Bethea, Kathryn Bumgardner, Lydia Carr, Linda Dutton, Sally Harrison, Julie Hatcher, Miriam Hayes, Elizabeth Jordan, Julie LeChette, Becky Lyell, Amy McColl, Jeanne McLaurin, Patricia Page, Debbie Rogers, Jamie Sue Stephens, Natalie Wallace, and Marilyn Zunk.
The Dillon garden clubs are the Dillon Garden Club, Glove and Trowel Garden Club, and the Yellow Jessamine Garden Club.
Special appreciation was given to the following city employees: Superintendent Burt Rogers, Bryan Bethea, Ken Drake, James Ford, Jim Funk, Robert German, James Jacobs, Jerry Long, and Prince McDonald and the City of Dillon Tree Committee, Earl Dutton, chairman.