Over the next few weeks, The Dillon Herald will feature unsolved cases from our local law enforcement agencies. Someone in the public may have information about these cases that could help bring those responsible for these crimes to justice. The public is encouraged to report any information that they may have no matter how small or insignificant. The contact information is listed at the end of this article.

By Betsy Finklea
It was a pleasant spring evening on April 12, 2015. An 11-year-old boy and some friends were heading to a local convenience store, Hot Zone, located at 401 Lockemy Highway, Dillon, shortly after 8:00 p.m.
Some of the group was walking, but the victim was riding his bike. They noticed several males standing in the roadway. It was then that one or more of these males started firing at them. The child was on his bike when he was shot. No one is sure why the boy was shot or who did it.
Sgt. Melvin Lee of the City of Dillon Police Department was called to the scene. Several people came out of the store.
The boy came to Sgt. Lee and told him he had been shot. Sgt. Lee called EMS. The boy was taken to the hospital.
Detective Jason Turner said that over 80 people have been interviewed in this case, and they have done the investigative work, but they have yet to come up with a solid lead. Any help from the public would be greatly appreciated.
If you have information, please call the City of Dillon tip line at 843-774-0051 ext. 1710 or Detective Jason Turner at 843-495-0945.

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