The topic of my article today is a famous saying that was penned by one of America’s most prolific and prominent writers, Samuel Longhorn Clemens (alias Mark Twain). Only the Almighty can control the seasons and weather.  I have to keep my mouth from complaining about the intense heat and humidity that we are currently experiencing in our area and throughout much of the continental U.S.A.  Although I believe that due to overuse of fossil fuel by countries like China, India, America, and some of the other industrialized countries are greatly contributing to global warming, at the end of the day, the Almighty is in control and calling the shots. Like the weather, there are quite a few challenges and problems that we are contending with as a country and culture that we seem to have no solution to remedy. Each of these problems (or perhaps perplexities), for the present time, seem to be out of our ability to fix or solve. My comments about them will not contain a solution, but will be strictly points to ponder and consider.

Pastor Michael Goings Commentary

Although I make no claim to be an economist, I do know that we are grappling with inflation in this nation. The term inflation (as it pertains to our economy and average citizen) means how much the price of goods and services has risen over a certain period of time. Even though incomes have risen for many Americans through hourly wages, it has not kept up with inflation that causes them to pay higher and ever-increasing prices for goods and services. Again, I make no claim to be an economist, but in my observation and common-sense opinion, I believe that one of the reasons why inflation is out of control is due to corporate greed and selfishness. Put in a nutshell, the rich are, for the most part, not allowing the trickle-down effect to take place where the middle class and lower class is benefiting from the great wealth of this nation that is the wealthiest in the world.

The National Debt
According to current calculations by the experts, our current national debt is thirty-four trillion dollars (that is the number 34 followed by 12 zeros). That number is so large that it is mind boggling to the average person. Nevertheless, it would not be so confusing and bewildering if our Congress and bureaucratic government would stop kicking the can of the debt problem down to our children and grandchildren to deal with. Right now, we are only paying the interest on this practically insolvent debt. Many, if not most, politicians in Washington on both political spectrums – Republicans and Democrats – from time to time complain about the national debt. Regrettably, few have the resolve to do anything about it.
The Great Divide and Discord
Recently, after the assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, there was (seemingly) a temporary ceasefire concerning political hostility and mudslinging by both candidates and parties. For a few days, the anger and outrage of the fact that another high-profile political figure was almost assassinated took priority over the divide and discord and has greatly divided this country. Perhaps only the days leading up to the Civil War and the war itself has divided our nation more than the division we are currently experiencing. For a brief moment, there were statements coming from both sides, the Liberal left and the Conservative right, about the need for unity and reconciliation. However, it was not long before the hostility and mudslinging resumed. Maybe if this was not a presidential election year, (with the election being only a little over three months away), we could truly experience a suspending of the political bickering and name calling and see our political leaders unify our nation around important things that would strengthen and bless all Americans. Hopefully, they will stop complaining about the weather (problems we are facing) and do something about them.

The Perplexity at Our Southern Border
Last week during the Republican Party’s National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the issue or securing our Southern Border with Mexico was a topic of great concern and consideration.  It is one of the issues that people and politicians on both the Liberal left and Conservative right do a lot of talking and complaining about, but nobody does anything to solve.  In all honesty, though I believe that there is a practical solution to drastically curtail the influx of immigrants who are coming to America, I further believe that it will be impossible and illegal to prevent those who are truly desperate due to political persecution, violence, and other extreme humanitarian reasons for putting their lives at risk to come to America.  God forbid that we who are the descendants of immigrants would forget our ancestry and origin.  To be perfectly honest about it, only the Native Americans and the ancestors of most Blacks did not come to America through immigration.  The Indians (being the indigenous people of America), and the Blacks (who were brought here as slaves) are the only Americans who can cite their reasons for being here through another means other than immigration.  The following passage is very relevant to conclude with:
“Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

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