By Vickie Rogers
“Getting To Know Dillon” held a “Meet the Candidates Town Hall” on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at The Dillon County Theatre, 114 N. MacArthur Avenue, Dillon at 5:30 p.m. All candidates for the June 11, 2024 primary were invited. This event was hosted by Cedric Page. Refreshments were served at Dillon Nutrition, 104 N MacArthur Avenue, Dillon before the event began. The candidates spoke on why they are running for for key positions that impact Dillon County. Cynthia Pernell was the moderator.
Cedric Page said “I was pleased to host this historic Meet the Candidates Town Hall Event as this was the first time that Dillon hosted candidates for both US and State House of Representatives, Dillon County Clerk of Court, Dillon County Sheriff, and various Dillon County Council positions. It is time for us to open up the doors of government and participate in our own democracy once again. Please exercise your right to vote.”

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