By Vickie Rogers
Celebrate Main Street Festival was held Saturday, April 27th. The weather was outstanding and the streets were packed with local vendors, food, games, and amazing entertainment. There were two stages throughout the day . On the Duke Energy Main Stage opening ceremonies began at 10:00 a.m. followed by Pepper Creek, Alyce-White Campbell, and Outrun the Weekend.
The First Citizens “Locals Only” stage featured local entertainment. Dance Dimensions, Elite Dancers, Green Brothers Martial Arts Academy, Ronnie’s Line Dance Fitness Class, and Saxophonist Jaylen Keith, from the Dillon Middle School Jazz Band performed.
The festival also had a Palmetto Cruisers Car, Truck & Bike Show on Main Street. Several trophies were presented.
New to this year’s event was the Agricultural Avenue along South Railroad Avenue with Rough Cut Ranch, Albert Fore Farm, Pyerian Baptist Church, Dillon 4-H, Clemson Extension, SC State University, Dillon Tractor & Implement.
There was a Take the train that departed from Florence at 10:54 a.m. and arrived in Dillon at 11:27 a.m.
The event was sponsored by Anderson Brothers Bank, Duke Energy, First Citizens, and Dillon Internal Medicine.