Tucker Bass advanced his career to the next level by signing with Southeastern Community College in Whiteville, N.C., on Wednesday, December 13, at the Lake View High School Media Center.
Bass was surrounded by family, friends, and coaches.
Having been highly influenced by his Father, Tucker Bass has enjoyed playing baseball since he was only 4 years old. Previously Bass has played basketball, soccer, and football.
Bass was given several opportunities at other institutions of higher learning, Bass decided on Southeastern Community College as the move should be easy as the college is nice and located in a small town that is familiar to his small Town of Lake View. Additionally, the coaching staff is very friendly and helpful.
Although Bass will take his work ethic with him from high school baseball practice and even schoolwork, one has to work hard for the things that one wants to acquire.
While playing on the Lake View High School Baseball team from 2019 and will continue through 2024, Bass acquired many awards but was as great as the High School State Championship Ring in 2021 and the 2021 Diamond Prospect Fall League Charlie Hustle Award. He also was a member of the 2021 State Champions, 2023 Lower State Champions, 2023 All Region, 2023 Lacy Hardee All Tourney Team, the 2023 Post 1 State Champions, and the 2023 Post 1 Regional Champions.
In 2022 he hit .319 with 13 rbi. In 2023 he hit 3.58 with 3 home runs and 22 rbi.
When Bass is not studying, practicing or playing baseball, he enjoys hobbies such as playing the guitar, hanging out with friends, drawing, and playing video games.
Bass is blessed to have two older brothers.
His parents, Pete and Cindy (Sweat) Bass are very proud of his accomplishments and look forward to his success in the future. Both remarked “Tucker is the last of three sons, as well as the only one to play sports. We have all invested a lot of time to allow him to play this sport that his heart has called him to play! We could not be any prouder of Tucker and the opportunity he has been given! He has been very fortunate to have been coached by some of the best coaches who has helped move him to the next level!”
Lake View Head Baseball Coach Kip Herlong stated “Tucker started as an infielder and outfielder; however, we saw the need for a dependable catcher when this group was in the seventh grade. Therefore, we asked him to try to make the transition in order to help the baseball program. He worked his tail off and really progressed at the position through the 9th grade. His 9th grade year he played behind division 1 catcher Noah Carter and soaked in everything Noah told him like a sponge. From the 10th grade on he has developed into a very good catcher. I feel that Southeastern is a good match for Tucker to help strengthen his ability and continued development.”

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