For there is no more neutrality in the world. You are either a part of the solution or a part of the problem.” — Eldridge Cleaver

When Eldridge Cleaver, one of the leaders of the Black Panther Party, penned this very prudent saying back in the 1960’s, I was an emerging young adult in the early part of my high school days at Gordon High School. Having been raised in a small southern, rural community where I was experiencing Jim Crow and segregation, when I finally graduated in 1970 and attended the American International College, I was caught off guard and unprepared for the bigotry and racism that I would encounter both on campus and in the city of Springfield, Massachusetts. Nobody had informed me that there was racism in the North that rivaled that in the South, but only in different shades and manifestations. Therefore, I was drawn into a group that idolized the Black Panthers, the Black Muslims, and fiery and provocative orators (and agitators) like Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, and quite a few others. These black nationalist leaders fueled the fire of my anger and their reverse racist rhetoric helped to further entangle and enslave me in bitterness, anger, and hatred. Thank God in 1974, I was liberated by the Great Emancipator, Jesus Christ, who unshackled me and I have been free ever since and striving to be a part of the solution and not the problem. In the remainder of my column today, I will consider a few ways that each of us can be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.

Be Able to Disagree with People Without Becoming Disagreeable
I am convinced that one of the reasons why there is so much division and contention in our culture is because of people’s unwillingness or inability to disagree without becoming disagreeable. One of the primary reasons why our politicians in Washington, D.C. seem to be unable to reach across the aisle and partisan divide and solve the problems that are plaguing our nation is due to their inability or unwillingness to disagree without becoming disagreeable. This can be said about any situation where you have two or more people involved in an attempt to reach a remedy or resolution. In many cases, there is most likely an answer to the problem that lie in the ability of the different factions setting their differences aside and reasoning together. The answer to many problems can be obtained when we forget about our differences and not allow them to divide us. Instead, focus on the areas of agreement and a unified endeavor to solve the problem. This is how many complexing and very difficult problems have been solved in the medical, scientific, political, and even the religious sectors of our culture.

Avoid Criticizing People Even When You
Disagree with Their Practices and Ways
Anyone who desires to become a part of the solution and not the problem in this troublesome and post Christian time (in an era when many people reject absolute truth and standards that used to be very commonplace) must find a way to not attack or villainize people who you disagree with about their beliefs, practices, and ways. It is one thing to criticize people’s ideas and deeds, but when we attack and demean people’s humanity, we are putting ourselves in the place of playing God. If you are going to be a part of the solution in any area of human relations, you must, by all means, separate the beliefs, practices, and ways of people that might be deplorable and evil from their basic humanity. Your right or responsibility to criticize what they are doing does not give you the right to attack their humanity.

Do Not Side with or Endorse People When
They Are Wrong
I have had to learn the hard way the lesson and point I am making in this section. I have been guilty of giving people my support, approval, and endorsement when I knew that they were wrong. It took me some time and maturing to stop getting on people’s side simply because they were relatives, friends, or some other close or familiar acquaintance. Many people have been drawn into troubles, crime, and even an untimely death because of siding with people when they were wrong. If I am going to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem, I must use discretion in choosing whose side I am going to align myself with. My choice must not be based upon friendship, kinship, or any other consideration that connects me with them. It must be (foremost) solely based upon whether they are right and just in their cause and actions.

Becoming Connected to the Ultimate Solution
It would be truthful to tell you that all that I have considered today to help aide you in becoming a part of the solution and not a part of the problem came from the Bible. With that having been said, I want to further emphasize that it was my coming to accept and know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior that completely changed my life and made me a part of the real solution and not a part of the problem.
I will therefore conclude today with a statement from the late, great Andre Crouch’s song, “Jesus is the Answer”: Jesus is the answer for the world today, above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the way.

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