The Dillon Herald received five awards in the South Carolina Press Association Palmy Ad Awards. They were as follows:
Restaurants/Nightlife (Under 7,500 Division—First Place—Johnnie Daniels and Vickie Rogers—B&C Steakhouse and Bar-B-Que “Hook A Great Dinner Deal”
1/2 Page or Greater (Under 7,500 Division—Second Place—Johnnie Daniels and Vickie Rogers—Fort Pedro “Fourth of July Fireworks”
Use of Imagery (Under 7,500 Division—Third Place—Johnnie Daniels and Vickie Rogers—Dillon County Board of Education “Salute To Our Nation’s Farmers”
Use of Color (Under 7,500 Division—Third Place—Johnnie Daniels and Betsy Finklea—High Cotton Bar & Grill “What’s For Lunch?”
Miscellaneous Print Ad (Open Division)—Third Place—Johnnie Daniels and Betsy Finklea—Why Vote For Jackie Hayes

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