The City of Dillon recently passed their 2023 budget with a millage increase, water and sewer increases, and a substantial raise for police officers.
It is a balanced budget with $11,918,612 in projected revenue and expenditures, which is a $964,970 increase over last year’s budget. The city budget includes a 6 mill increase, which is estimated to be $25 annually for a $100,000 house and $50 for a $300,000 house.
Water and sewer rates will increase by five percent effective with the July billing. There is a nine percent increase in sanitation rates.
Wellness Center daily usage fee went from $5 per day to $10 per day.
Raises for employees included a $7,000 increase in salary for police officers and a $2,500 sign-on bonus for new police officers and a $1,200 increase for all other employees.
Items to be funded from the depreciation account include a pick-up truck for street department ($45,000), a Knuckle-boom loader ($225,000), a Recreation Department truck ($36,000), a Gator for the Recreation Department ($14,000), a mower for the Recreation Department ($18,000), a field maintenance machine for the recreation department ($20,000), a police vehicle ($55,000), and police equipment for the new office ($25,000).

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